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Family History - Living in Virginia’s Northern Neck During the 1600s and 1700s – Balls, Carters, Champes, Claughtons, Cralles, Garners, and Washingtons


(This family history can be purchased on Amazon by searching on Torian family history.)


Table of Contents


I. Introduction (click here)


II. Demographics (click here)


  1. Introduction

  2. Population

  3. Immigration

  4. Migration

  5. Life Spans

  6. Deaths

  7. Indians

  8. Indentured Servants

  9. African Slaves


III. Nature (click here)


  1. Introduction

  2. Forests

  3. Land

  4. Rivers

  5. Weather

  6. Wild Life


IV. Culture (click here)


  1. Introduction

  2. Class Structure

  3. Marriage

  4. Religion

  5. Education

  6. Language and Communication

  7. Food and Drink

  8. Clothes and Fashions

  9. Entertainment and Socializing

  10. Travel

  11. Holidays


V. Property (click here)


  1. Introduction

  2. Land Ownership

  3. Houses

  4. Courthouses

  5. Churches

  6. Personal Possessions


VI. Government (click here)


  1. Introduction

  2. Development

  3. Responsibilities

  4. County Positions

  5. Colony Positions


VII. Industry, Technology, and Services (click here)


  1. Introduction

  2. Agriculture

  3. Flour Production

  4. Forestry

  5. Shipbuilding

  6. Earthenware (Pottery)

  7. Spinner Halls

  8. Mining

  9. Trade Services

  10. Merchant Services

  11. Legal Services

  12. Communication Services

  13. Science and Technology


VIII. Economics (click here)


  1. Introduction

  2. Political and Governmental Effects

  3. Profits and Wealth

  4. Money, Purchases, and Prices

  5. Exports, Imports, and Trade

  6. Supply Chains


IX. Security (click here)


  1. Introduction

  2. 1600s

  3. 1700s


X. Ancestors Living in the Northern Neck in the 1600s and 1700s – Balls, Carters, Champes, Claughtons, Cralles, Garners, and Washingtons 

(click here)


  1. Introduction

  2. Ball

  3. Carter

  4. Champe

  5. Claughton

  6. Cralle

  7. Garner

  8. Washington


XI. Conclusions (click here)


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